Matthew Philip

Solutions IQ | Accenture Senior Agile Consultant 
As a capability cultivator, organizational fitness coach and workplace activist, Matthew helps organizations and teams continuously become fit for their purpose. He is especially passionate about building learning organizations and creating humanizing and engaging work environments. 

From Andon to Yokoten: Japanese for Agilists

Kanban, Andon, Kaizen as we are using these words in our English-speaking knowledge workplaces, but what do they mean? The fact that many of these Japanese terms originate in manufacturing complicates matters. We all discuss what they mean and why they are important  in knowledge work today and go beyond the simple buzzwords. To help us remember not only the words but,  more importantly, the concepts, we all use our own version of the popular Point  travelers books so that participants can have a little fun learning. Proper Japanese pronunciation not guaranteed!

No (Lab) Jacket Required: Designing Experiments for Learning
Presented in Collaboration with Karl Scotland 

Hypothesis-driven development is thinking about the development of new ideas, products and services - even organisational change - as a series of experiments to determine whether an expected outcome will be achieved, so we need to know how to design and run experiments properly.

This session helps participants understand the importance of using experiments to help teams and organisations learn and improve, while giving hands-on practice in designing experiments to yield measurable evidence for that learning.