Prateek Singh

Principal Agile Coach - Ultimate Software
Prateek Singh has been leading and working on agile teams for the past 12+ years.  Starting with XP, then Scrum and now working in a Kanban system, Prateek has gained a breadth and depth of knowledge regarding agile techniques, practices and implementaiton principles.  Prateek is currently a Process Improvement Principal at Ultimate Software coinducting training and coaching for teams regarding Kanban and Lean principles.  Prateek has played the role of Software Engineer, Scrum Master and Manager of Software Engineering in his career.  Prateek is currently a Principal Agile Coach at Ultimate Software.

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

What was your GPA in college? Does the media have a liberal bias? How many successful features have you shipped in the past year? How can we be sure that we are getting the right answers to these questions? We all lie, or at-least don’t tell the full story in our everyday lives, especially when no one is looking. We all fall prey to “Social Desirability Bias”, where people adapt their answers, because they want to look more desirable to others, than they really are. What does that say about the usual way we get feedback? Surveys, user interviews, estimates? Come find out how Limiting WIP, working in small batches, optimizing for feedback and some decent data analysis can help us separate truth from lies.