Gitte Klitgaard

Gitte Klitgaard is an agile coach, hugger, friend, and much more. She lives and loves agile. She took the oath of non-allegiance. Why fight over methods when we can use the energy to help people?

Gitte wants to change the world by helping people. Her preferred tools are listening, intuition, and caring. And the retrospective. inspecting and adapting is essential.

She has a great interest in how people function, psychological safety, courage and vulnerability,  how the brain works, what motivates us, how we can feel better about ourselves, how to be perfect in all our imperfections.

She is a geek and passionate about a lot :)

Bringing Humanity Back to the Workplace

How many times has someone told you:
* Stop being emotional!?
* Act like a professional?
* Feelings do not belong at work?
Some people seem to be two different people at work and outside work; different identities and definitely different feelings. In fact feelings only exist in one of the roles.

Gitte believes this perception of what professionalism is, and the splitting of people is damaging to them. And it is damaging the industry.

Companies and individuals need to realise that being professional does not mean being inhuman. In fact humanity is a great asset at works as well as in life, and there is a need for more workplaces where it is safe to be a whole human and not just a part

Explore Your Courage

Engage in a workshop where we explore the aspects of courage and vulnerability.

To work with agile you need to be brave. But what is courage? Why do we need it? How will it help us be better at our jobs? What does vulnerability have to do with courage?

Gitte has explored this area for several years and even has a tattoo with "Be Brave". For me courage is very much about being who you are.

Participants will learn to understand what courage is. They'll discover their own capacity for it and learn tactics to be more courageous
his I accomplish by sharing my experience and through exercises that will draw out the participants unique potential for courage