Jean-Paul Bayley

Actineo Consulting - Partner
Jean-Paul Bayley is a partner at Actineo Consulting specialising in business agility and organisational development. He is a Certified Trainer for Training from the BACK of the Room!, organiser of the Playcamp London conference, Innovation Games Certified Collaboration Instructor, LKU Accredited Kanban Trainer and co-creator of the Kanban Guide.

Let's Get Naked! Agility for Human Beings

​​Agile is at risk. People are starting to push back. In this session, we will look at some of the reasons that this might be. We'll examine some of the things we often neglect during transformations. If we strip agility down to its naked form and take a more human approach, we can overcome some of these challenges.

No clothes will be removed during the delivery of this session!